Merry Christmas one and all! Today is the Nester’s Christmas Tour of Homes party and I simply can’t abstain from anything with the words “Nester” and “party.” Last year I was feeling all excited about my holiday decorating. This year I am more tired than inspired but I am joining in nonetheless. Here we go…
The tree.
It is fake and was cheap and obviously not that pretty. But it’s easy. For me the important part is the tree decor. These unassuming trinkets are very sentimental as they are a combination of ornaments that our parents gave us when we got married and ornaments my own children have made over the years.
I especially love my topper. Blondie made this little cardboard angel when she was 3 or 4. I always cry when I take it out of the Christmas bin. I love its giant blue eyes and sparse yellow yarn-hair.
Coffee filter glitter-angels and thumbprint snowmen grow more precious every year.
My mantle is not Christmasy at all save for this lonely star. I didn’t get around to the garland part like I did last year.
I did, however, put up this window garland again. I love it.
But not as much as I love all of these handprint decorations the kids made with their toddler hands at pre-school in years past.
My Nester-inspired ragamuffin garland I made last year.
The entry-way is kind of fun. Our advent calendar, Christmas cards, stockings, and more kid-made decor.
We’re trying to keep Jesus at the forefront of Christmas…but truth be told there were Toys ‘r Us circulars here earlier this morning. Sigh.
I love this sweet handmade reminder that He’s still the center, chaos and all.
The kids drew these manger scenes today. Here’s Blondie’s:
As you can see Brownie’s rendition of the nativity is more “layered”: Joseph brought a present, Jesus has a Christmas tree, there are various locks and entrances into the stable, and if any of the manger participants become bored they can play putt-putt.
Blondie and Brownie were working on a lovely holiday mural…
Until a certain two-year-old chalk thief sidled up, hoarded all the chalk when they weren’t looking, and “ruined” their pictures.
He deserves a lump of coal for all his naughty-ness…but he would probably just eat it or smear it on the walls.
Clearly if there’s a theme in our house this year, it’s one of “keepin’ it real”…especially with these three always-stirring creatures.
Merry Christmas from our humble abode to yours!
love love the chaulkboard wall! too cute
Merry Christmas
I just love this post! Such creative children and what a cute photo of them working on their mural.
Such heartfelt beautiful decor in your home.
Seeing your children’s handmade treasures is such a great reminder to make some with my kids-their little hands only stay little for so long!
Thanks for sharing!
Love all your handmade treasures…
Thanks for sharing!
I love it! You are keeping it real. I love the Advent calendar and the stockings. I need stockings. I have none. Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful decorations especially the nativity scenes drawn by your children, thank you for sharing.
Lovely, lovely, lovely.
Don’t be too hard on the cupcake, he can’t help it — he’s little.
Your tree is really pretty.
Your post brings me to tears. I am a retired second grade teacher and we always make an ornament much like the ones you have shared. Now I make these with my four small grandchildren as gifts for their parent, my children. Hold tight to these treasures.
Can you believe how many of us linked to this party? I am going to be up all night reading.
Have a Blessed Christmas with those little ones.
Beautiful decorations! Love your kids artwork. I love seeing the holidays through my little ones’ eyes.
Thank you for the holiday tour.
Merry Christmas and many blessings in 2010.
So very sweet!!! You are SUCH a good mama to save all those decorations. I love it! Your entry is so pretty. Very cute post! Blessings!!!
Your holiday touches look just lovely. Our tree decor is also sentimental – Each year we purchase a new ornament to commemorate an event of that year. This year will be either a typewriter, computer, or book, to represent my husbands diligent work on his almost finished dissertation! Woo hoo!!
I love it all. ALL. You are the cutest thing. And by the way, your comment on my Christmas Change post made me cry. so. thanks. and love to you.
Love your blog name….how fun…Your pictures are great. There are new tree pictures up on the holiday blog…and I am loving looking through all the beautiful decorations on the Home Tour…Just need a few free hours…
Been gone too long . . . miss all of you so much . . . the tour made me laugh . . . and brought tears as well. Have a fantastic time with the northern family!
Love you forever,
So pretty. So very pretty. That’s how your house looks to me. The sweet handprint decorations, the wonderful ornaments and tree topper. But the drawings–now those are the winners.
My oldest son is home from college, my middle son just finished finals, my youngest is counting the days and making and re-making his list of Lego desires. . . but nobody draws pictures any more. These guys are still lots of fun in different ways, but I miss the picture-drawing days. You are right to savor them.
And I see that 2010 will be a big year for you guys–you’ll have been married 15 years! Isn’t it amazing? The 1995 First Christmas caught my eye; we have a similar one: 1985 First Christmas. So 2010 will be our Silver Anniversary. I can hardly believe it–surely I’m not that old! Am I?
Every blessing for a wondrous Christmastide.
Loved cruising around your blog today! Just went to Paris for the 1st time in Sept…I have some pics up on my blog that you might think yummy :)!
Love the decorations. I let Tripp and kids do the tree this year. I just didn’t have it in me. And since we do Jesus and not Santa here it takes a lot of pressure off of Christmas Eve. My mom (we were there for Christmas) didn’t approve but it sure was easy putting wrapped gifts under the tree and a stocking beside each one and daring the kids to touch it. No sneaking around here!!!
Ok, first of all I have so say how much fun we had at our unexpected New Year’s Eve dinner together.
Second of all, you WAY underestimated yourself! I love your blog and wish you could come to my house! I REALLY hope I get to see you in Nashville in Feb and continue our conversations (since I know we started about a hundred that we never got to finish! Be sure to thank your hubby for putting up with us that night!)
Much love,