Hi! My name’s Scooper and I’m starting a blog. Oh, I already have a blog? I used to write here on a regular basis? I thought this screen looked vaguely familiar.
Summer has smoked the lazy right out of me.
Well, that’s not entirely true. I’ve been not writing here on purpose. I’ve taken the bare bones mentality seriously and it’s been just what the doctor ordered during these lazy, hazy days of summer. My journal is exhausted because I’ve been scrawling there instead of here. I’ve made a big dent in my book pile. And my bed and sofa have a forever imprint of my back side.
Besides resting and reading and writing with a pen, I took a silent retreat for a few days {which technically included all of the aforementioned activities. More on that later.}
And in stark contrast to a silent retreat, my sister and her three kids came to visit this week. It was loud and wonderful. We spent the week not showering, reading magazines, loosely supervising our children, and watching an endless stream of “Say Yes to the Dress” episodes. I just realized that I took not a single photo. See above comment about summer and lazy.
Actually, I did take one photo on my phone. That photo at the top of the post is my precious niece “swimming” in a rubbermaid container on my driveway. Staying classy is clearly a top priority around here. We have a larger kiddie pool for the bigger kids {they took turns swimming in 10-minute shifts} but sweet Tabitha needed a way to keep cool that was more to scale with her tiny, 11-month-old self.
Besides heat survival, swimming in storage containers, and not taking photos, there’s not much to report. I have some topics I look forward to writing about when the time is right but for now, the thoughts are more in the percolation stage. Sometimes it takes time for them to settle. And summer seems to be the perfect time for that to happen.
So for now, I’m embracing a slower pace and a season of less. I look forward to writing more once my kids start school but I am so not rushing that.
I plan to ease back into the blogosphere between now and then, ease being the operative word.
So from one lazy girl to another, may you enjoy the last weeks of summer, take the time to sip fruity drinks, revel in the spirit of the Olympics, stay cool in the pool {even if it’s tiny, plastic, and sitting on your driveway}, and find some ease of your own.
Showers are optional.
Girl, I am there. So much swirling in my head and so much need to rest. Never realized what a struggle it was just to rest when you set your mind to it. Satan would really rather have the other!! Stressed, frazzled, strung out. A girl week (even with kids) sounds wonderful after having my husband gone all week and 2 sick kids. J has coughed so much until I go to football with C just to get out of the house and not listen to it. It’s like a continuous dog barking.
“Bless the Lord oh my soul…..worship His Holy Name”
Peace! Be Still.
and that is exactly what summer is for! enjoy the lazy, I will too 🙂
I kept asking over the past week, “Why am I so lazy?” I’m so happy to know I have authorization for it. 🙂 I will refer my husband to this post for future endorsement. After all, we only have so many days left to go to the pool.