Happy New Year friends! We celebrated by toasting early and going to before midnight. I know, Families Gone Wild.
Last year I did a post on my favorite books of the year and then another one with my favorite posts of the year. Let’s just combine our 2013 favorites into one fun post this year, shall we?
Stressed? Too busy? Having a hard time saying no to good things? Overcommitted? Running kids here, there, and everywhere? Buy this book. You can read it in a day. Which is good, because you’re probably crazy busy.
Do you desperately fear you have nothing to offer the world but secretly hope you’re wrong? …It’s time to uncover the shape of your soul, turn down the voice of the inner critic, and move into the world with the courage to be who you most deeply are. {from the back cover}
Read how my personal story intersects with this book as well as my own personal review here. I love this book so much.
I’m a huge fan of Anne Lamott. As a mother of an almost teenage daughter, this novel uncovered so much of the hopes and fears and volatile emotions of the mother-daughter relationship. This story is not for the faint of heart. It is raw and there are moments that will wreck you. But it’s hopeful and redemptive and beautifully written.
Want to know what else I read this year? Visit the “Booklists” tab at the top of the page.

Michigan fans, you see where this is going.
I hope my tombstone is engraved with, “Mom. She slaved over a homemade Michigan helmet in 2013.”

I’ve been following you for awhile now, and am so glad I found you since I’m pretty sure we think exactly alike:) thanks for writing and don’t stop!
I LOVE the favorite things lists. I’ve found so many good products, reads, movies, etc because of favorite things lists from my favorite bloggers. One of my favorite posts here at a la mode is “Finding God in the Waiting Room” (or something like that) about your sweet brother, sister in law and bundle of love Naomi, as she underwent heart surgery. It was so moving, and Psalms 34:18 was brought to life as a truth I can cling to in the midst of lamenting and sorrow. I have wondered often how Naomi is doing today? Also, I gotta say, the post “when coffee spills all over my sunday morning” was probably my most relatable post (this year.) Preaching the gospel to myself when I need it most can feel almost impossible in certain moments. I am so thankful for your gifts! You’re generous to the a la mode community! I’m looking forward to your writing gifts continuing to flourish and be a fruitful aspect of your (and my) life in 2014. Grace and Peace!
I LOVE the favorite things lists. I’ve found so many good products, reads, movies, etc because of favorite things lists from my favorite bloggers. One of my favorite posts here at a la mode is “Finding God in the Waiting Room” (or something like that) about your sweet brother, sister in law and bundle of love Naomi, as she underwent heart surgery. It was so moving, and Psalms 34:18 was brought to life as a truth I can cling to in the midst of lamenting and sorrow. I have wondered often how Naomi is doing today? Also, I gotta say, the post “when coffee spills all over my sunday morning” was probably my most relatable post (this year.) Preaching the gospel to myself when I need it most can feel almost impossible in certain moments. I am so thankful for your gifts! You’re generous to the a la mode community! I’m looking forward to your writing gifts continuing to flourish and be a fruitful aspect of your (and my) life in 2014. Grace and Peace!