Happy almost February, month of hearts, chocolate, and all things red and pink. In honor of the month of love, even though it’s still a few days before the month of love, I thought I’d dish about the things I’m loving right now.
1. Love Crunch by Nature’s Path. I just picked up a ridiculously large bag of this dark chocolate and red berries granola from Costco. It’s like eating dessert for breakfast. Dessert that’s good for you. I double heart this “cereal.”
![Love Crunch - Dark Chocolate & Red Berries - Click Here for More Information Love Crunch - Dark Chocolate & Red Berries [npa-771807.jpg]](http://shop.naturespath.com/img/thumb/npa-771807.jpg)
2. iPhone Cases that are free and cute.
My friend and I were running yesterday morning when she spotted this iPhone case on the side of the road. We have found an array of useful, ridiculous, and scandalous cast-offs on the side of the road during the several years we’ve run together. Just recently she found a vintage architectural brick and insisted on carrying it the remaining two miles. It weighed 12 pounds. She is crazy {and also strong.} But this little polka-dotted treasure is all mine. And since it weighs a millionth of an ounce, it beat running with a brick.
3. Watercolor Girl.
I’ve been dreaming of a new blog design for about two years. I’m still waiting for the stars to align in order to make it happen but until then, I’ve been pinning and bookmarking various fonts, images, and inspiration ideas. I keep coming back to this lovely image. I call her “The Thinking Girl.” She’s a stock image and a bit pricey but I’m hoping I can one day work her {or something similar} into the design.

After plowing through The Thorn Birds and then The Poisonwood Bible, I was in desperate need of something less epic and tragic for my fiction read. Several people had recommended this book {which is actually the first book in a series} and it was just what I needed–quirky and delightful, with a writing voice that is unique without feeling contrived. The setting is modern-day Botswana and I love the main character, Mme. Rawotse, so much that I want to move to Africa and open a tea shop next door to her detective agency.
5. Masterpiece. British TV has positively ruined me for American television. Ruined, I tell you. Thankfully PBS and Netflix have come to my rescue. The Man and I are addicted to Downton Abbey {along with the rest of the free world} but we’ve also enjoyed the remake of Upstairs, Downstairs, Sherlock, The Last Enemy, and Call the Midwife. {Let it be known, The Man does not watch the midwife show.} I think we’re going to embark on Luther next, but I’ve heard it’s dark and disturbing. We’ll watch the pilot and see how it goes.
Right now I’m still recovering from this past Sunday’s episode of Downton Abbey. If you’ve watched it {and only if you’ve watched it}, you may appreciate this article by Jessica Fellowes.
6. Chartreusy colors. {Which help to lighten the mood after said Downton Abbey episode.} I’m really loving various versions of this color right now. I bought these jeans on clearance at Target after Christmas.
I wear them and I feel happy. Period.
7. And happy is the perfect segue to the last favorite thing on the list: the stuff my littlest says.
I’ve said before that five is about the perfect age but it bears repeating. The kooky wardrobe combinations, the crazy sayings, the most inspiring confidence. I so want to be five again.
Anyway, here’s my favorite quote of the week…
Looking in the mirror and admiring his outfit–Robin Hood pants, button-up dress shirt, cape, cowboy hat, huge belt, and cowboy boots:
Mommy, I just love who I am.
And so those are the words of wisdom I leave you with today, spoken by a sage 5-year-old:
Love who you am.
Your turn. What do you love these days?
Ok. Just read Jessica Fellowes article and am crying about all over again.
But. Oh. My. Tragic. Downton has become our date night at home, an easy excuse to cuddle up and be together. And it sure is easy to get caught up in the story. Wow.
Moving on 🙂
I am loving running again. After a 5 month layoff due to injury I am back at it, very slowly I must say. But still going. The best part is that my husband is joining me now. And that is a gift. I am really, really loving it.
Perhaps that quirkly five-year-old will follow me home someday, and, if he does, I’m gonna ask if I can keep him!!!
“mommy, i just love who i am.” that is the sweetest. 5 was pretty terrific. don’t let your robin hood grow up!
Things I love lately–
Burt’s Bees Lip Shimmer- I bought a three shade pack that was available @ Christmas to add to the one I already had…love the tingly feel, moisture, and color it adds to my lips.
I love swimming– and counting the links backward…
I love my new custom iphone case I created at Walgreen Photo website– picture of sunrise on the way to LU–somewhere in Bedford, VA. Helps me remember my focus for this season.