Recently I’ve been feeling a big hungry. Or at least you’d think that by reading some of my recent posts about dinner and recipes and such. Not a surprise really, considering this blog’s header is nearly a life-size photo of a plate of Parisian profiteroles and my children’s blog names are all a different dessert.
The last couple of weekends, however, my food mood has reached a crescendo. We trekked up to my parents’ house in the mountains over Labor Day weekend and were joined by my brother and sister and their families. My little brother has become a veritable chef and brilliant baker in recent years and we are the lucky {and slightly bloated} recipients of his culinary skills.

Stuff like salted caramel as a layer between decadent chocolate cake and whipped chocolate ganache frosting.

I’m in a sugar-induced coma just writing this.
I really love your blog. Looking forward to your next post.
Yes, slowing down and getting fancy is so important. Every once in a while I surprise the kids with a fancy dinner (table set, candles, nice napkins, etc) They love it-and I always remember that I need to do it more often, just because.
I love the photo of your niece stuffing the cupcake in her mouth. Her hands are sticky and her shirt is smeared. Your sister may not be happy about the extra laundry, but the photo is priceless.
I’m so glad you captured Cupcake with one of the cupcakes, too. His expression is precious, (can a boy be precious?)
You are blessed to be celebrating so many milestones with family. Cherish those times.
love ya!
Oh those cupcakes look divine! It’s making me want some of our tartuffo. Do you think Aaron would attempt something like that for us? You know I would drive however long it would take to get a piece. Do you think I’ve glorified it in my mind? Was it really as good as we thought?
LOL..ok you had me laughing…and longing for a cupcake!! YUM! Great pictures too!!! You captured the cupcake! =)