My 8-year-old’s list went something like this:
1. a house
2. CC {our homeschool group}
3. PS3
4. iPod Touch
5. a bed
6. football
7. Mommy & Daddy
8. a TV
9. God
10. Church
{Numbers 9 and 10 came at my urging to write something even remotely virtuous}.
11. friends
12. clothes
13. a toilet
14. a body
15. Harry Potter
I’ll be honest, I feel like a failure as a mother when I see PS3’s, iPods, TV, and football making the cut before God and church.
God, make the Gospel real to me. Make it work its way down deep so that all of life looks different. May it change the way I live. May it change the way I love. May it change the way I forgive. May it change the affections of my heart. May it change the way I give thanks. May it change the way I sacrifice. May it orient my gaze, moment by moment, to the cross. May gratefulness for Christ and His finished work matter over everything else.
Well said. This is a fantastic post on something we all struggle with – The pursuit of “real” gratitude. And you’re right, “it takes practice.” Blessings!
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that could be the sweetest thanksgiving wreath! it took me a few tries to read everyone’s name. i love it!
I love your prayer. It makes me want to say it, too.
Oh, girl! What a wonderful way to start my day. I am going to take your prayer and copy it for my own. Beautiful. Happy Thanksgiving!
My 5yr old listed Frosted Flakes (a cereal only allowed on vacation) above “mommy” and “God” on her thankful list.