“Treat Yourself” may become a weekend series I do. Or not. We’ll see how it goes. Either way, here are some reads and listens and yummies for your weekend.
This book arrived yesterday. The Nesting Place: It Doesn’t Have to be Perfect to be Beautiful, by Myquillyn Smith {“The Nester”}
I read half of it in one sitting and then had to put it down to fix dinner. It’s absolutely delightful. As my friend Ellen told me, Get ready to cry and smile and love The Nester more than you thought you could. She’s so right. The Nester was the first blog I ever followed. She had me at high-heel hammer. {Up until that point, I thought I was the only one lazy enough to forgo the hammer and use the bottom of my cute shoes to nail stuff up on the walls.}
This book is equal parts story, permission, and inspiration. I’ll probably chat more about it after I actually finish, but please — treat yourself and get this book. Whether you rent or own, love your house or hate your house or somewhere in between, get this book. It’s beautiful enough for your coffee table and full of glossy, gorgeous photos. {And only $12.23 on amazon right now. What?!?} You’ll never look at your home in the same way and you may just be inspired to mistreat your windows and move the furniture around.
This song keeps playing over and over in my head. {If you’re an e-mail reader, you’ll have to click over} “Destination” by Nickel Creek.
Nickel Creek has been around forever but I’m sort of a newbie listener. They just had a new album come out and it’s official. I’m a fan.
This link: 23 Signs You May Secretly Be An Introvert

It’s no secret to me that I’m an introvert but it often surprises other people when I tell them that. I was talking with one of my pastors last week and he said, “Really? You’re an introvert? I never would have guessed that.”
This post demystifies a lot of our stereotypes about introversion and shows that it’s more nuanced than most people realize. Here’s an excerpt from the beginning:
Think you can spot an introvert in a crowd? Think again. Although the stereotypical introvert may be the one at the party who’s hanging out alone by the food table fiddling with an iPhone, the “social butterfly” can just as easily have an introverted personality.
“Spotting the introvert can be harder than finding Waldo,” Sophia Dembling, author of The Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World, tells The Huffington Post. “A lot of introverts can pass as extroverts.”
People are frequently unaware that they’re introverts -– especially if they’re not shy — because they may not realize that being an introvert is about more than just cultivating time alone. Instead, it can be more instructive to pay attention to whether they’re losing or gaining energy from being around others, even if the company of friends gives them pleasure.
And for your last “treat,” this meal has quickly become a family favorite. Easiest gourmet-ish dinner ever: Breaded Tilapia Tacos.
{image via Silk Routes} because we gobbled ours up before I could snap a photo
Here’s the “recipe”:
- Buy these breaded tilapia filets from Costco {or anywhere else you can find breaded tilapia filets.} Trader Joe’s sells them too.
- Cook according to package instructions.
- Slice into strips.
- Grab a package of tortillas, shredded cheese, lime juice, cilantro, salsa, cabbage or lettuce — anything you like with your tacos — and then congratulate yourself on a yummy dinner that took 10 minutes of prep time. Bam.
That’s it, friends. Whatever your weekend holds — soccer games, family time, housework, homework, joy or grief or a mingling of both, take time to treat yourself. I give you permission.
And if you think “Treat Yourself” would be a fun, weekly-ish addition to the blog, I’d love to know. Thanks!
On the blog this past week
A Simple Question to Start the Week {or any day}
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*book links are amazon affiliate links
I knew you would love that Kindel. : ) I was smiling as I typed it.
Loved your treats for the weekend. Also loved all your other posts this week … and the assurance that you fully understand my failure to let you know. Thanks for the coffee and the “standing-up” conversation earlier. Lord knows, if we’d sat down, I’d still be there!!! LYF
I, too, love nickel creek; haven’t heard their new songs, but it seems there’s an oldy/goody called lighthouse???
the more I read your blog posts, the more I wish we could have been friends in college. you seem to know how to put many of my thoughts and feelings into coherent order, in a way that folks can read and understand.
thanks for sharing honestly.