⛳️ Four out of my last 6 days were spent on a golf course. I’ve stayed in two different hotels and burned up the interstate. Helping a child chase a dream is equal parts exhilarating and exhausting. I keep trying to emotionally disconnect from the highs and lows of it all but to no avail. I suspect this is simply a cross we bear as mothers.
🍝 After being gone much of the week, I decided I couldn’t eat one more bite of fast food or takeout. I drove to Publix last night and got the ingredients for spaghetti with meat sauce, a good salad, a loaf of Tuscan bread, and a bottle of red. Because I believe there’s not a single thing pasta can’t help fix.
🏃🏻♀️ We’ve been watching the Olympic trials and we are SO PUMPED. My husband and I are lifelong runners and he ran the steeplechase in college. We told our youngest that when we were in college, they didn’t let women do the steeplechase or pole vault. And just like that, I felt 85 years old. (Also, just another example of how the world has continually underestimated the strength of women.💪)
📚 I’m reading Pat Conroy’s South of Broad but took a break this week to listen to The Fortunate Ones by Ed Tarkington while on the road. I’m not quite finished but I’ve really enjoyed it. It’s an @anniebjones05 recommendation and she never steers me wrong.
🍦 Pro tip for enjoying ice cream this summer but not eating the whole pint. Buy the baby size Ben and Jerry’s or Haagen Dazs. They are $1.49, a small price to pay for instant moderation.
🐶 Guys, if it’s not the kids it’s the dog. Our beloved Jetta had surgery a week ago. She somehow got into the stitches, cone and all, and we had to have her sedated yesterday and restitched. Also, she has bled all over our living room furniture. Does she not realize we are paying college tuition? #whylord (Let it be known that my husband, the one who was against getting a dog 9 years ago, is the one who has taken her to all the appointments AND tended to her like an actual baby.😂)
Thank you @kimberlyacoyle for the #windowontheweek invitation (via Instagram.)
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