It’s that time again. The post where I share a few things I’ve learned or noticed this month.
It’s not an exhaustive list, nor will it change your life. But it’s a fun post to write and I’m thankful that Emily over at Chatting at the Sky offers this link-up opportunity at the end of each month. Want to know more of what I’m talking about? Go here.
In no particular order, here are four things I’ve learned in December.
1. I want high-waisted, layered, ruffly 80s skirts to make a comeback.
Even though I’m entirely too old to wear one. The acid-wash is more than welcome to remain in the late-80s / early-90s; it’s the layery ruffles that are so swoony.
Even though I’m entirely too old to wear one. The acid-wash is more than welcome to remain in the late-80s / early-90s; it’s the layery ruffles that are so swoony.
We had a little Christmas party. It’s something we started two years ago as a time for our small group to gather and munch and sip and karaoke to “Total Eclipse of the Heart” on Singstar. Anyway, this year I dressed up as the “Ghost of Scooper Past” and I pulled this little number from the wardrobe archives.
Even though it was only partially zippable, it was kind of fab to wear it again. {The belt, socks, and booties are all from my little box of yesteryear wear. Because some things are just worth saving.}
2. Everything is overpriced at Disney {this is not news} except for one thing: silhouettes.
We went to Disney World during the first part of Christmas break with my husband’s family and I stumbled upon a little artists’ section in the Magic Kingdom.
Hidden amid the expected theme-park caricature painters was an unexpected silhouette artist named Anthony. I’ve always wanted silhouettes of my kids but have never gotten them. Well, Disney World became my happiest place on earth that day because I got sweet silhouettes of each of my kids for just $8 each. Eight dollars. If you’ve ever looked into getting silhouettes, you know that $8 is a bargain times ten. You can also purchase the oval frames for $7.95 so I said Merry Christmas and told my kids that this was their gift to me.
Here’s how my curly-headed youngest’s turned out. Spot on.
Instead of sketching or painting, Anthony cut them with scissors. It was amazing to watch. He had these tiny, fine-tip scissors and he finished each one in about four minutes. It was like magic and I think they turned out beautifully.
What’s the moral of the story? If you go to Disney, skip the $40 souvenir t-shirts and get the $8 silhouettes.
3. My daughter is growing up.
I notice it every day. More and more, my stuff is becoming her stuff. Sweaters and scarves and necklaces are disappearing at an alarming rate and I can usually find them strewn over the hot-pink desk chair in her room or stashed inside her tote bag.
This makes me happy and sad. A girl grows up entirely too fast. This is truth. But it’s also a sweet thing to bond over our kindred love of accessories and slouchy sweaters. I’m thinking the mascara and lip gloss may begin to disappear next.
4. Writing is like running.
I’ve really struggled with both of these the last two months. I blame the winter and the blahs and the sicknesses and the holidays and how all of these can suck the inspiration and confidence right out of a girl. And while all of this is true, too much time off or just simple inconsistency have a way of turning a running break or writer’s block into stagnation and discouragement.
Before long, you don’t even want to try because you know it’s going to be a struggle. It might even hurt. Perhaps you’ll hate yourself a little bit and question if you’re ever meant to lace up your running shoes or open your laptop again.
I’ve been a runner longer than I’ve been a writer and any runner will tell you this obvious truth: the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Any writer will tell you the same thing about plucking away at the keyboard.
If you only lace up or boot up when inspiration strikes, you will most likely feel clunky and exhausted.
I’m looking forward to shaking off the cobwebs on my sneakers and my laptop in the coming weeks…even though it’s going to feel awkward and painful and I will curse my haphazard ways.
Aren’t you glad the beginning of the year is right around the corner? A fresh start is always a gift.
Aren’t you glad the beginning of the year is right around the corner? A fresh start is always a gift.
That’s all I’ve got for December. I’m sure there are many other things I’ve noticed but they have come and gone in my brain, drowned in the sea of cheese, creamy coffee, and holiday confections that have been my steady diet the last few weeks.
What have you learned in December?
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Love it. If I ever go to Disney, I certainly will do the silhouettes. And I totally agree about running and writing. Plus I have my best writing thoughts while running. Win-win. Stopping by from Emily’s link up.
So where is Mr. Silhouette guy’s booth? I need to do that! And most of the food items are more than that as well! Good deal!
LOVE those silhouettes! Amazing scissors-work! And I do remember a certain jr-hi’er repurposing a few items from my closet about two-and-a-half decades ago. You were amazing at turning nothing into something . . . special.
I had to comment about the silhouettes. We had some done at Disney back in 2004 at the same price believe it or not! My sister just went back in September and had one done of her little girl. They are by far my favorite Disney keepsakes! I’m with you and would go for the $8 silhouette over the $40 t-shirt any day. Happy New Year to you!
My aunt had silhouettes of her kids done like THIRTY years ago! I knew they still do it but had totally forgotten until I read this. I’m so glad you put this in here because we are hitting them up our next trip. And I’d also like to say that Disney World became one of my happiest places because they gave my food-allergy son have his most memorable birthday! They were great to make him things to eat that wouldn’t kill him. Happy New Year!!
I’m with you on the writing and running. Why is it so hard to get started (or restarted?) when really, it feels so good when I am ‘in the groove’. Oh, well, nobody said it was easy. 🙂 Love your blog.. I think I’ll do a link up as well. 🙂
We’re actually at Disney this week…where would I find the silhouette booth? Really would like to have one of each of my kids. Thanks!