Do you recall M’s impromptu kitchen re-do from a couple of days ago? Well, I left M with some suggestions regarding how to mistreat her living room windows after I left, along with some repurposing of art work and such. Much to my alarm, M sent me an e-mail a day later entitled, “Decorating Disaster.” Apparently, the living room mistreatments were easier said than done.
So Friday, The Scooper scooped up all her sweeties and headed over to M’s house. I felt like a decorating super hero. I wore giant dangly earrings just for the occasion. (They sound like wind chimes when I fly…I like that.)
We already had the necessary supplies. Here’s what we did. (BTW, I completely ripped off The Nester and her fabulous “mistreatment” ideas for all of this.)
First, we made a valance using chocolate-colored burlap. We upholstery-tacked the burlap (way up high to make the room seem taller) the length of the window. Then we hot-glued cream ball-fringe to the valance. Mmmm….Chocolate. Cream. Cafe Mocha anyone?
M already had pre-made tab-top curtains that coordinated with the furniture. I suggested that we turn them upside down and drapery-clip them. And instead of clipping the panels to a rod, we put more tacks into the wall and just hung the panels on the tacks. No rods, ya’ll! Do you know how much a rod would have cost for this big ol’ non-standard-size window? Well, I don’t know either but I bet it’s a lot.
Lest you think I left M with upside-down, high-water panels, think again. More burlap. More ball fringe. More hot glue. Mission completion (shout out to Little Einsteins.)
(See the upside-down tab-top panels? See how we ran out of trim and fringe? No worries. It will mostly be hidden behind the sofa.)
I cannot stress how cheap and easy this project was!
Also, M was sad about her craft area. It sits in her dining room and it was just a utility table with a table cloth on it. Once again, I recalled an idea I’d scene at Nesting Place. A mistreated craft table. We had a problem though. No more hot glue sticks! You must never run out of glue sticks people. It’s like the milk or bread of hack-job decorating (which is the only kind I do.) But, where’s there’s a will there’s a way. Did you know that with enough force, you can get an upholstery tack in a heavy-duty plastic utility table? (I would only try it if you’re a super hero and wearing dangly earrings though.)
And there you have it. Mistreated windows. Mistreated tables. Mistreated children. (How else do two mommies with 4 young children get all this decorating done?)
Just doing my job in this part of the planet to help out humanity…all in a day’s work.
Stay tuned for what I did to my house on Saturday…
I think you did a fantastic job. I love those window fabrics and I have a small swatch of chocolate brown burlap that i was wondering what to do with. Oh, the possibilities!
Ooo…love those window mistreatments!! I’m hoping to do a few this week myself, so I’m enjoying all the inspiration. (And heading to my fabric bins in search of burlap…:))
Thanks for visiting my blog! Comments from The Nester *and* The Scooper…made my week! 🙂
I LOVE it!
But I need curtains that close for privacy! any ideas?
I like this, as I am all up in brown lately. It is my new thing.
I am also all up in your comment, as you are my comment of the week this week. Yep. I know. Your life is complete.
I AM IN SHOCK! You DID NOT do this. Where have you been the last 8 years, oh creative drapery queen?? I am so impressed, and so excited! You know this is going to add a whole new dimension to our friendship – like we need any more.
Can’t wait until you tackle the basement!!! Keep it up, dear one!
I love the draperies and especially the table skirt around the table. I have one of those plastic tables for my crafts and tried to do a table skirt using hot glue and snap buttons. It didn’t last with a three year old so I am going to try making another table skirt using the upholstery tacks! Thanks for the idea!
Great job honey!