I dream of having various reading nooks tucked away in our home. You’ve likely seen them in magazines or scattered about the blogosphere: cozy window seats with well-dressed children perched atop designer-fabric-covered cushions, overstuffed chairs in a clutter-free corner with natural light streaming over the pages of Robinson Crusoe.
The stuff of dreams to be sure…or so I thought.
Yesterday Brownie was undeterred by a pile of laundry atop the furniture, too taken with a good story to be bothered by all the undone surrounding him. I sighed with lament that I cannot even keep our sofas clear of junk, that there is no special place for my little readers to get cozy.
Apparently I’d overlooked this particular “nook.” Brownie paused from his story and said, Mommy, this sure is a comfy place to read a book. He is my hero, ever the optimistic and grateful soul.
As for Blondie, she found my unmade bed and messy bedroom just perfect.
Sometimes it pays not to fold your laundry or make your bed.
Linked up with Tuesdays Unwrapped {Chatting at the Sky.}
The winner of the Padalily giveaway is: stash mama
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way to find the beauty in the mess, girl.
Love this post. Isn’t homeschooling grand?
Beautiful pictures and I doubt reading would be as fun if it were done perched on a designer covered fabric cushion and not in your jammies!
Kat 🙂
give me a reason not to fold laundry or make my bed and i’m in! cozy is good 🙂
I love it..kids are so good at giving us perspective!
Oh, Scooper. I was out of town last week and got way behind on visiting blogs, so I’ve just gorged myself on all your posts I missed. I love this one today. . . but I think I like last Tuesday’s even more. You actually boxed up the hair bows? Golly. I gulped and fought back tears as I read it–and I don’t even have a girl.
I am so happy for you that you are able to be there, savoring the time with your beautiful kids. You’re going to have lots of time later to make the bed and put the laundry away. I’m thankful that moms like you are taking the time now to be with their children. NOW. It doesn’t last very long. I salute you for using it wisely.
Honestly, my dear . . . life (and God in it) is literally inundating you (and us through your words) with such truth and wisdom that it’s hardly bearable. These pictures, and what they represent, are the essence of young mom-dom (OK, mothering would be a more suitable word perhaps), as seen through the eyes of your Heavenly Father. I truly believe that.
Love you forever,
I think the nooks are fabulous!! Proves it doesn’t have to be the “perfect” spot according to us!!
lol – so not there yet! I’ll have to remember this!
that is awesome.
what precious pictures and memories!
you’ve mentioned you homeschool before. do you use a certain curriculum?