School started yesterday and I’m “feeling all the feels,” as they say.
My girl started high school, my middle son started middle school, and my baby son {even though he’s 7} walked into elementary school for the first time without big brother as his faithful companion.
True confession. I was so ready for them to go back to school because this summer we all earned PhDs in Togetherness.
And then they did all go back to school and I can’t stop crying about the whole business. I think it’s simply the emotional occasion for all the bottled-up stress and apprehension to come spilling out.
Have a seat and let me catch you up on the state of things:
After a year of trying, not trying, and then trying again to sell our sweet little house, it looks like we’re actually moving.
I’m so afraid to announce things before they happen because we are not famous for our smooth sailing. We are famous for nothing going as planned. But assuming there are no bombs, floods, or other catastrophes, we’re moving from our home of nearly ten years.
It’s a local move and if everything works out, I’ll tell you all about it because it is a story indeed.
September is not known for her carefree days but that’s when the Vischer family is set to pack up one house and settle into another. Amid drop-off and pick-up lines and homework and cheer and football games and jobs, we’re going to move. Try to hide your jealousy.
Moving takes years off my life so I will be 180 in moving years once we finally get settled.
I started a part-time job in April. I begin another one next week. Both are fantastic jobs — family-friendly and meaningful, jobs that use my gifts.
It’s simply a lot of transition in a short amount of time.
So yesterday I tried not to hyperventilate and cuss in front of my kids when I discovered those tiny kitchen moths had set up shop among the stale crackers in my pantry.
When crisis or change comes my way, I can struggle with sleep and stability. My overwrought brain doesn’t know where to find the shut-off valve. While I have sometimes shocked myself as Grace Under Pressure during a season of crisis or even that one time when the toddler threw up on a road trip and we had to hose him and everyone else off in a sketchy West Virginia car wash, I’m also the one hyperventilating over pantry moths.
The timing of so many things is lost on me right now.
But there’s one gift that’s come at just the right time — Simply Tuesday: Small-Moment Living in a Fast-Moving World by Emily P. Freeman.
Earlier this summer, my name was randomly chosen to be part of her launch team. That means I got to read the book early. Friends, it has been a gift to my anxious heart these summer months.
This is a book about true home.
About doing our work but releasing outcomes.
About settling into our small and ordinary places.
About all the places our soul runs to in search of life, only to leave us dissatisfied.
Most of all, for me, it’s a book about keeping company with Jesus through every anxious moment, every runaway thought, every desire and devastation, every welcome and unwelcome transition.
I love what Emily says about keeping company with Christ instead of keeping pace with the world. Her words are always like a gentle hush for my soul.
As citizens of an invisible kingdom, we refuse to take our living cues from the world that says to build, grow, measure, and rush to keep up. Instead we take our cues from the new hope alive within us, from the life of Christ who has made our hearts his home. We’ll stop trying to keep up with the fast-moving world and, instead, we’ll settle down and keep company with the small moments of our lives…
We don’t know where these moments might lead, what we might grow into, whom we might influence, what impact we might have. That is not our business. Instead our job is to stay right here with our friend Jesus. To know that he is with us and within us, and he’ll stay no matter what.
We’ll find our places to call home.
We’ll find our right-now work.
We’ll gather with our Tuesday people.
We’ll write our hidden prayers in the fog.
We’ll let love lead.
I always need the message of small-moment living but I especially need it during this season when my world feels like it’s spinning on a wonkier tilt than normal — when there is much to manage, outcomes I can’t control, dicey emotions that show up without notice, a new job and precious people to welcome into my life, deep longings that will tenderly be placed up on a shelf for a time.
Throughout these shifty days, there is the promise of the presence of Christ as I gather up my many things and let him carry the burden.
Emily has the loveliest video you can watch. It’s both an introduction and an invitation. Go watch and you’ll see what I mean. And if you’d rather not wait to get your hands on a copy, I don’t blame you. You can order here.
Order before August 28th and you can get a small group conversation guide for FREE!
This weekend I’m looking forward to attending a launch party for Simply Tuesday. I’m taking my extra book so Emily can sign it for you!
That’s right, another giveaway! I’m keeping it simple so just leave a comment here on the blog about anything at all or on the blog’s Facebook page.
Thanks so much for those who entered last week’s giveaway and to Kindel for letting me team up with her! For those of you who are new to this place and to some of the online places I hang out {like the blog’s Facebook and Twitter pages}, WELCOME. I’m so glad to have you as part of this community.
And now for the winners:
Congrats you guys! You’ve been notified by e-mail so I can get your addresses.
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