Hi! I’m Marian Vischer and this is my new blog. {Insert pinching myself.}
Do you know how long I’ve waited to type those words? Years. I can’t even begin this post without crying. This new space is a dream come true.
First things first. I cannot write another line without thanking the sweet, creative, generous friend who’s made it happen. Her name is Kindel and she is all kinds of awesome. She blogs at Willow White Studios. {Check out the fun 31 Days of Free Printables she did in October.} I’ve known Kindel since she was a college student and I loved her from the start. Plus she has put up with me and my picky ways. She pretends like working with me has been this easy, lovely process but we both know the truth. I’m very particular. I know what I want except for when I don’t. I suffer from “decision-making anxiety.” I’m useless without a deadline. I would hate working for me.
This new space was supposed to happen a couple of different times over the last few years and each time it fell through. I like to think it’s because Kindel and I were destined to do this together.
So let me show you around!
This is like most any new home. It’s shiny and awesome and mostly finished. But like a random piece of moulding that hasn’t been nailed down or wires still hanging from where the light fixture has yet to be installed, my new home still has a few projects waiting in the corners. It’ll probably be a month or so before we get all the right links in place and fix photos and formatting that are wonky. But we just couldn’t wait any longer.
At the top you’ll see a row of the must-have’s. Home, About Me, Archives {all pretty and nicely categorized}, Favorite Posts, Booklists, and how you can connect via social media or e-mail. Regarding the archives, some of my categories are changing and we still have to align all of my posts into their new labels. For now you can still find specific posts by clicking back to the labels a la mode or you can search for them in the search bar here. A la mode will stay up and running until we get all the bugs worked out here.
Moving on down, behold the header. Kindel made this blush beauty. {I must be a lifelong fan of blush because my bridesmaids dressers were that same color 18 years ago.}
There on the right is my new profile photo that I took all by my big self. It’s a ridiculous story and I already have a post coming up about how to do a DIY photo shoot, inspired by my own crazy shenanigans. Behind the scenes of that pretty little picture, things were nothing but a hot mess. I’ll save the details for later but let me just say that there are photos forthcoming in which I am wearing a chartreuse shirt and sporting pale winter skin and not a stitch of make-up. You cannot even tell that I have lips anywhere on my face. Also? My tripod involved a cardboard toilet paper roll.
Below the profile pic is one of my favorite surprises that Kindel whipped up. It looks like a row of quiet, unassuming social media icons. But move your cursor and hover over one of them. Go ahead, I’ll wait.
Surprise splashes of watercolored goodness hiding beneath! It’s the little things that make me giddy.
About social media, I now have a Facebook page for the new blog. You can also follow me on Twitter, Pinterest, and Bloglovin too. {Bloglovin is the heart icon. It’s my favorite way to read blogs.} You might be wondering where an Instagram icon is. I love Instagram but it’s one form of social media I’ve chosen to keep private and tucked away.
Just beneath those sneaky watercolored buttons are the different series I’ve written. Click on one and it will take you to all the posts in the series. Some of them still link back to the original posts at a la mode but you’re not missing out. The content is all the same. We’re working on getting all of our links transferred soon.
Perhaps the biggest question of all is: Why Marian Vischer?
For over 5 years I blogged as “Scooper” and was sort of anonymous like that. Talk about extremes. Hi world! I’m no longer a fake name and while I’m at it, how about I just go ahead and name my new blog after my big ol’ non-anonymous self? Here. I. Am.
It feels simultaneously right and awkward. I chose it because it’s my name and that won’t change. I also chose it because it provides a platform and flexibility if I pursue future endeavors as a writer. I was Scooper at a la mode for five and a half years and I’ll always love it. But I no longer wanted to be a la mode: a little scoop for every slice of life. I didn’t want to become tired of a phrase or have to worry about it no longer representing the content. So we {my husband and I} finally came around to using my name. We thought about it, prayed about it, and dialogued for months. It’s no small thing to put your real name out there as a dot com. At least it wasn’t to us. We wanted to be wise and sure.
Names are handy. Names work as an umbrella for all sorts of topics and projects. But they can also be original and specific. I think I’m the only Marian Vischer? Or at least the only one who wanted marianvischer.com. And if you’re wondering, yes, it feels weird and narcissistic to have my name as a web-site even though lots of people do it.
If you’d like to know more about me or what “Writing the Real” is all about, here’s my brand new About Me page. {Yep, that feels narcissistic too. Hey everyone! Here’s my new blog with my name so that it’s all about me and oh, if you want to know even more about me, click on About Me and also you can follow ME on social media and do you like that huge picture of Me at the top of this post right beside a smaller picture of Me?}
I am already sick of myself. {And for the record, I don’t ever look as put together as those photos of there. Just ask my family, neighbors, or the friendly baristas at the local Starbucks who literally don’t recognize me if I’m not in a sweaty running hat and exercise pants. To prove it I will be soon be posting photos of the chartreuse lip-less nightmare.}
But in case you’re not sick of me, you can subscribe to the blog via e-mail up there in the top right corner. That way you’ll never miss a post. And of course, you can click on those cute little social media buttons again because they’re so pretty.
Thanks for letting me ramble on about my new digs. I’m so glad you’re here. Oh and one more thing! We’re still deciding how we want to do comments. For now, scroll back up to the title of this post and click on comments if you’d like to leave one.
Okay, that’s all. Thanks for visiting my new home!
Your new blog is beautiful, and so reflective of the “you” I know from a la mode. I love it all! Enjoy every minute of writing and reflecting in this space-I’m looking forward to reading!
Thank you Elizabeth! You’re my first commenter. I should give you a toaster or something, right? : )
Yes, definitely! Or at least a Starbucks card or something.
Girl! You are gorgeous. I love it. You are my superstar writer!!! Remember the little folks when you are famous. I love, love, love your blog!!!!! It’s amazing, just like you!!!
Love you
Julie Worthy
Julie, first of all you are not one of the little folks. You are 6’2 and therefore my tallest friend. 🙂 Second, you are one of my dearest. Third, that pretty little profile pic that you like? It was snapped with The Gift Camera. I get teary just thinking about how things have a way of coming full circle. Love you!
I can’t wait to hear all about this photo shoot;) I’m not sick of hearing about the real Marian, and I’m a fan, a huge fan of this gorgeous site! Love it! Congratulations!
Kimberly, the feeling is mutual my friend. Thanks for reading and joining me here!
I love Marian Vischer! I love Marian Vischer! And this blog captures you to a tee including that drop dead gorgeous picture of you at the top of this post. Seems to me that this blog is poising you for some big writing adventures and surprises ahead. I can’t wait to see what God has planned. You know I’ll always be president of your fan club- past, present, and future!
Bonita, well, tears of happiness and nostalgia reading your comment. You’ve been such a sweet believer in my writing since way back. I didn’t dare even call myself a writer back then! Thanks for your steady and sweet encouragement. I so appreciate you! As for that photo, can I be honest? It’s probably the best photo I have which makes me feel super self-conscious and fake. I should post a selfie of what I look like right now. {Frightful.}
You’ve been beautiful every time I’ve ever seen you so that photo is perfect!
Oh. My. Word. This is so beautiful.. Shedding a few happy tears for you, if I’m being honest. JOY!
Thank you Susanna! I’ve shed more than a few myself today. It feels like my birthday. : )
Oh, Marian, I love your new digs!!! Makes me feel like I’m right there with you chatting away and sharing in your delightful company. Soooo happy for you that you are in your new space – break out the champagne! I look forward to all those marianvischer.com blog posts that are forthcoming – you are one of my favorite people and writers – you go girl!!! Love your gorgeous picture 🙂
MeMe, I only wish you were right here with me. We could have coffee this morning and champagne later in the day? Thanks for all of your support and encouragement! I miss you. : (
I miss you too!!! Yes, coffee then champagne then a martini for dinner! 😉 love ya!
Aaannnnddd cue the standing ovation!!!! It’s beautiful, warm, inviting, and oh so you! Congratulations Marian Vischer, t’s absolutely gorgeous!
Haha! Thank you Janee. : ) We landed on “Writing the Real” after all.
I am so proud of you Marian!! God has graciously gifted you. He uses you in my life every time we are together!! I can’t wait to see what He does through you and your “new” home!! Blog on!
Thank you Missy! What an encouraging thing for you to say. I’m loving your phrase: “Blog On!” Totally gonna use that one. : )
OH, this is BEAUTIFUL, so lovely and such a thoughtful home Marian! I was so excited to see if there was a link to your new home this morning when I woke up. I had to MAKE myself wait until I had a cup of good coffee and a movie on for the kids before took a peek, So i could really enjoy myself. Here I am, coffee in hand and a big happy grin for you! Cheers for your hard work and collaboration with Kindel.
Renee, the fact that you were anticipating this? Well, that just makes me smile so big. Picture me with my coffee mug in hand and clinking it with your coffee mug. Cheers! : ) Thanks so much for your support.
Hooray for launch day!!! So amazing.
Congratulations! Your new blog is beautiful! Wait, this does feel like you just birthed another baby from my end too. Ha! I love your writing and can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next. Also, I have a garage full of furniture to be painted, so we really need to get that neighborhood painting party idea going. Would be a great blog post! :o)
Thank you Meghan! I still love the furniture painting idea. : ) Maybe later this spring?
wahooooo! you are lovely and this is just that. i love every bit. all of it.
I’m so glad you’re at my new place! All we need are some coffees.
I’ve been watching this unfold for a few days now, as all of your old posts where you linked to me pinged me in an email when your blog was moved over 😉
I love it so much. And thrilled you decided to use your name!!
So I just learned what a “ping” is today. : ) And if you got an e-mail for every time I linked to you, look out. Because your computer might have blown up. I’m praying they were all in the same e-mail! I have you to thank for the name. {Well, and my parents for “Marian” and husband for “Vischer.} But you’re the one who started the ball rolling in my thoughts. It was so the right move I think. I love that you came for a visit!
As my Mom (and your grandmother) said on many occasions, “I’m righteously proud” of you! That is such an understatement, dear! I saw your “launch” first thing this morning (around 7am) but had no time to post a comment . . . and, quite frankly, was so overwhelmed with the sheer beauty and scope of it all, I didn’t know how to verbalize my feelings. Well, it’s now almost 2pm, and I still cannot adequately express my congratulations and all that I feel deep in my heart! I am spending moments throughout the day asking our Father to use this blog and your gift for His purposes. They are good and perfect! Loving you forever, MOM.
Mom, so I’ve already told you this but thank you. For everything. I can’t read it without crying. {As I did in the Walmart parking lot today.} I’m looking forward to lots of Marian’s Awesome Mom comments at my new place!
Look at you!! 🙂 So professional and beautiful! I am so happy for you and love the fact that you are doing something for yourself that you are so obviously gifted at doing. Your writing is comforting, thought provoking, and honest, and I look forward to your posts. Keep writing the real…the world desperately needs real.
Nikki, thank you! “Comforting.” That’s one of the kindest words anyone has ever used. I love that you can take a deep breath in this place. So glad you’re here!
I know you are so very excited about your new space! It is lovely!
Thanks for visiting my new place Pam! Glad you like it here.
In a word…..LOVELY!
This is so exciting! Thank you for sharing yourself with us.
I am looking forward to seeing more, reading more and learning more as you share your awesomeness with the world. I agree with your mom — words cannot express the congratulations I wish to send.
Hugs from a friend and Syster
love ya!
Lynne, I’m so glad you are here! You’ve been with me since the near beginning so it only seems fitting. I always smile when I see your name pop up in the comments. Thank you for being here and for the well-wishes!
Greatly encouraging, Marian! I am in the process of setting up my own office/sitting room. Thanks for your words and cute pictures. Words can’t express how much better I like it than sitting on our bed to do things.
Janet, I hope your new office continues to be a pretty and useful improvement. : ) I’m so glad you came by!
Gorgeous, and inviting and so very you. I love everything about your space!
Janet, I hope your new office continues to be a pretty and useful improvement. : ) I’m so glad you came by!
Love it! So simple and classy. Fabulous! Wanna celebrate with coffee on m y porch next week perhaps? Xoxo
Of course. : )
Hi Marian – I’ve read your blog for awhile now and your writing and stories have always touched my heart, especially on the days I seem to need some encouragement. I’m excited to put a name to your writing and look forward to more. Love this new space – it feels very you, well the you that I’ve gotten to read about the last couple of years that is (o: Your new space here is truly lovely – and though I haven’t met you in person, you are indeed SO lovely. Glad to see you in a space that feels fitting for you.
Dear Marian,
I was away for the weekend at a place where we had very limited internet (gasp!). Couldn’t wait to see the new blog when I got home. I look forward to your newness but also the “you”ness that will still shine through. Marian will be new to get used to now that your name is revealed… best wishes for all that is to come with this bold daring step!
As someone else commented.. I look forward to the photo shoot story.. sounds like there are some fun details! You look beautiful in that picture.