Newer readers may not know this about me but I taught American History in a former life. And while I’m no longer neck-deep in history books and lecture prep and writing papers for grades, I’ll always have an affinity for the people, ideas, and movements that have shaped our culture and the many ways we tell stories about our past. {I want to be Ken Burns in my next life. And a buyer for Anthropologie. And also a professional ice-cream taster.}
To love history is to love becoming deeply acquainted with people. You read their diaries. Literally. You look for embedded clues in their past. You get to be curious about everything from their families of origin to their love lives to the way they were educated. And while I no longer pursue this craft professionally, I enjoyed the years that allowed me to learn about the various and sundry people who have gone before us.
It’s long been fascinating to me that so many influential people — from Biblical times to our current day — have been educated in myriad ways. And that the type of education they had seemed to directly impact the influence they carried into the world. I know, it sounds like I’m stating the obvious. Of course education impacts a life in specific ways. But too often we’re quick to settle on or single out a certain way as “best.” We have all sorts of categories: sacred, secular, public, private, classical, modern, hands-on, interest-led, one-room schoolhouse. And that’s just the tiniest tip of the iceberg.

Here’s my very obvious and very unscientific observation:
All sorts of people have risen to greatness {not that greatness is our goal for ourselves or our children} through an array of educational paths throughout the ages.
For those of us who struggle with how we educate our children, this should encourage us deep down in our bones. In our quest to find “the right way,” history reminds us that there are so many ways. And God reminds us that He’s not only bigger than all of the ways, He uses all of the ways for distinct and amazing purposes.
Perhaps you’ve guessed where I’m going with this. The next few days we’ll step back into history and examine several different people and how God used their education, all very different from one another, to accomplish his remarkable work.
Don’t worry, no tests, papers, or mandatory discussion. All you have to do is show up. Here’s a clue for tomorrow: he’s from the Old Testament and he did a bit of time in a basket down by the river.
Join me?
What person, famous or otherwise, has an interesting educational past?
For all the posts in this 31-day series, go here. And to read the other posts I’ve written on topic of schooling, you can go here and find them all in one place.
I’m linking up with The Nester and her tribe of 31 Dayers.
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