Happy Friday, friends.
I don’t normally do a weekend links post but since there are no blog police and good stuff should be shared and I am prone to spontaneity, here you go. Some links for your weekend.
I love Shannan. I love her writing and her food posts and the everyday life she blogs at Flower Patch Farmgirl. We will be making this tomato soup she just posted.
This post of Ann Voskamp’s. Why the Best Response to Life, Holidays, Anything is: Yada, Yada, Yada.

What My Dreams Say About my Heart by Ellen at Sweetwater.

Ellen is a blog friend turned real-life friend. We are way alike. And this post of hers made me think about what my own recurrent dreams {especially the one about showing up for a final exam in a course that I haven’t attended all semester…anyone else with that one?} say about my heart.
And finally, I leave you with artsy eye-candy.
Is that not the loveliest gallery wall? I follow Domino on Pinterest and this was a recent pin. Swoon.
If you missed earlier a la mode posts this week, here you go.
If you missed earlier a la mode posts this week, here you go.
Have a great weekend friends!
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