I had several things I’ve tried to write about for today. None of them feel right. They feel contrived and detached and I don’t want to write fake for a series that’s all about real.
So today I’m telling you that I’m tired and full of trepidation. It’s day 23 of a 31-day series and while I’m on the “home stretch,” I feel that the real work is still in front of me.
I’m planning to write for the last week of the series on “Real Marriage. “
You may think that I’m writing on marriage because I’ve been married for 16 years and therefore have all sorts of wisdom about how to create a lasting, thriving, passionate marriage.
The real truth is, I do feel very passionately about marriage but only because mine has met a near fatal end. Twice. Marriage is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, the arena in which I’ve suffered the greatest defeats and experienced the most glorious victories.
In the wise words of the great philosopher, Pat Benetar, “Love is a battlefield.”
Anticipating these posts is making me all clammy and anxious and weary. The writing will be work because the subject matter is work.
So instead of sharing some thoughts today on books or creativity, I’m telling you that I just can’t. It’s not in me. I’m going to take my own advice from last week and rest.
And if you need permission to do the same, let me be the one to give it to you.
Rest and be renewed.
And then come back this week {or don’t…because I’m crazy nervous} and we’ll talk about Real Marriage.

i can’t wait.
As someone who’s been married for 20 years….I can tell you that to be ‘real’ when writing about marriage certainly does take a lot of courage and I admire yours.
You made a great choice – rest! Thank you for being real and courageous to share about something you passionately fight for. I admire you choosing to live without fig leafs of shame; instead trading that for the glory of Christ in you. xoxo – Renee
M- thanks for being wonderful. Freedom shared breeds even more Freedom. Yeehaw. 🙂 I love you!
I agree, take the time to rest and when ou come back, the words will just flow.