It’s one of those days when the to-do list is wrecked up. One of those days when you just stop the world because someone you love needs you and that’s all there is to it. In this case, it’s my child. Being needed doesn’t look like cuddle time on the sofa or band-aids or even a listening ear. It looks like phone calls and e-mails and research.
It looks like stopping the world and diving head-first into whatever it takes to help make things right.
Often I’m so aware of my selfishness, the ways in which my own agenda and desires keep me from loving well. But today I was surprised by my sudden and uncharacteristic selflessness, the ways in which I didn’t even think a bit about my shower or my list or my lunch or that important thing I had scheduled.
It’s as if a voice whispered to my pensive and burdened soul, This is what a parent’s love does. It stops the world.
Though the selfishness will surely be back in the office momentarily, I was given a gift, a brief glimpse into the heart of my Abba Father, the one whose likeness I bear.
I stopped the world for you. I broke right through the universe and gave up my Son for you, that you could be his co-heir. All that is mine is yours, sweet child.
It’s true. Christ took on everything that was not right with this broken world in order that it may one day be right again. But until then? We can stand in perfect relationship with God and experience peace, grace, love and freedom so beautiful and abundant, our finite minds can barely begin to imagine such gifts.
Maybe your own world is swirling and askew today. Maybe you wish someone would break through the universe on your behalf and just make things right.
Someone did.
Live in the light of his great, world-stopping love for you.
Everyday Grace: Stop the World
Related Verses:
Luke Chapter 23
“Everyday Grace” is a weekly post I’ve recently begun. It is sort of in the style of a devotional {which is ironic…because I don’t typically love devotionals} and a departure from the sort of posts I usually do. It began as a way to record the ways in which God is making the Gospel of Grace “real” to me in everyday ways. This is a way of recording it for myself and sharing with you.
Just lovely.
what a wonderful reminder, just what I needed to hear today.
Girl, I love reading your beautiful writing. I have to tell you that you frequently write of things like this in such a vague way that it makes me crazy! What is going on with your child that led to these beautiful thoughts of yours? I am always waiting to read what specifically is happening because you write about it (whether it be your marriage, your children, family or changes in your life) in such a captivating way, and I want to understand what exactly is going on. With many of these moments of my own with my “complicated” special needs kid, I feel like I want to be able to fully “HEAR” your issues so I can feel like I’m not alone, and reassure you of the same. Peace to you.
I want my children to see the Father’s heart in me. I want my children to see Jesus in me. Especially since they’re with me all day long.
I think I’ll copy these words of yours on a post-it-note and put it in my bedside table drawer. It will help me remember.
“I stopped the world for you. I broke right through the universe and gave up my Son for you, that you could be his co-heir. All that is mine is yours, sweet child.”