“Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.” It’s a quote I hear from time to time and while I get the sentiment, it implies that there must be a certain grandiosity to daily life. Adventure! Dreaming big! Bucket lists!
Like, if you’re not living from one rapturous moment to the next, what are you even doing with your life?
My simple experiment during this week of detaching from my phone has reminded me that the constant hum of digital life can actually numb us to the wonder of real life. In our passive state of scrolling and shopping, clicking and connecting, are we unknowingly disconnecting from what is real and beautiful and true and lasting?
The gurgling creek as I walked the dog.
The bouquet of September wildflowers I plucked from the pathway in front of my house.
The headspace to explore my own thoughts and ideas, instead of constantly reacting (if only in my own head) to others’ thoughts and ideas.
The freedom to not have an opinion.
The life-giving realization that I’m not actually missing out on anything at all.
Turns out you don’t need a bucket list day to forget to check your phone. Wonder isn’t just “out there.” It’s right here. But we have to look up from our screens to see it.
Day 3 of a writing challenge with @hopewriters. Today’s prompt is EXPLORE.
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