That my kids love to come home and love one another.
That my husband and I have as much fun together as we did before kids.
That I can still run.
That I work for myself and that life allows me the space to write All The Words and think All The Thoughts and read All The Books.
That I’m loving my community in tangible ways.
That I’ll know I did all I could to receive and cherish this long and storied season of child-rearing and schedule-managing and sports-cheering and plate-spinning and laughing at any semblance of work / life balance.
That I’ll testify to answered prayers.
All of which begs the question: What can I do now to help cultivate these hoped-for realities? ❤️
What do you hope for in 10 years?
This post is part of a series on Instagram, #OneDayMay, hosted by @laura.tremaine.
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