Naming what matters.
It’s a Lazy Genius principle (@thelazygenius) and it helps me so much. When everything is important, nothing is important. We have to name what matters and that looks different for each one of us.
I know this. But lately it’s been hard for me to untangle what matters most from the things that can wait or even from the things that never need to matter.
We can’t be a rock star spouse, parent, soar in our career, keep a tidy home that’s styled the way we want, stay fit, eat healthy, cook, DIY, be spiritually disciplined, be involved in our community, serve as team parent, look cute, read to our kids, read for ourselves, care well for our extended families, remember all the birthdays, be informed about all the issues of the day, work toward necessary social change, help with homework, support our kids’ ambitions, put away money for everything, take trips of a lifetime, and make the memories…(comes up for air) all at the same time or even in the same life.
I know. You’re laughing. I’m laughing. Because when you see it in writing, it’s ridiculous. It would take an army to do all of those things, or at the very least The Proverbs 31 Woman. 😂
But all of these perceived “shoulds” can slowly move in and take up precious real estate in our brains. The Shoulds make us overcommit, multitask, and live without healthy boundaries. We stay stressed. We walk around feeling behind when it’s not a race, less-than when we’re enough, dissatisfied when we have all we truly need.
Receiving this season of my right-now life means pouring time, energy, and resources into my children, especially the one who will be a senior and has certain goals. It means saying no to good things I love because there are people I love more.
It means waiting. (And not being a brat about it.)
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or discontent—I invite you to take an honest look at this right-now season and name what matters. If you can’t, enlist a trusted person in your life to help. I’m doing it this weekend and I hope to come out on the other side with more acceptance and less angst. ❤️
How do you name what matters?
This post is part of a #OneDayMay series hosted by @laura.tremaine.
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