🌞 “What is August like in South Carolina?” you may ask. Imagine, Dear Reader, that you’re standing in the thick of a rain forest. It catches fire. The end.
“What words best describe you in August?” you may ask. Words that immediately come to mind are: languishing, faint, quiet rage, apathy. The moral of the story: August isn’t my favorite.
✏️ This August will forever be an “extra special” one in our hearts. We started school weeks earlier than normal, on August 3rd. Neither our heads nor our hearts were ready to begin that early, but start we did. Then, just yesterday, we unstarted. In just 9 days, our Covid numbers were too high to safely continue. My boys will resume senior year and 8th grade virtually on Monday. (Please see the aforementioned words in the second paragraph.)
💐 In other news, my husband and I celebrated 26 years of marriage. We do not feel old enough but lo, we are! I wrote a post about it earlier this week. We sat down for a lovely and leisurely meal someone else prepared, and talked about things we’d like to do together once our children have graduated. We then laughed when our number 1s were the exact same thing. Hopefully that’s a good sign.
🏠 In the last couple of weeks, in between golf tournaments and work and surviving the August heat, I moved our girl out of one college apartment and into another. She’ll be a junior and not a single year of her college experience thus far has been untouched by the limitations and losses of Covid. I don’t have anything profound to say, only that it breaks my heart.
🌍 If you’re feeling a bit like me right now—weary, overwhelmed, triggered, sad, fearful—I encourage you to let go of what you can’t control, to ruthlessly choose rest, to name the scary or sad things and bring them into the presence of Christ, a “man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.” He is our safe and sure place.
P.S. Thanks for bearing with me through this post alternately titled: “Tell me you’re an enneagram 4 without telling me you’re an enneagram 4.”😂
And thanks to @kimberlyacoyle for this #windowontheweek invitation (via Instagram.)